This widget is useful for companies to manage and communicate their daily operating hours efficiently. It offers two layouts: Predefined and Custom.
When selecting predefined timing, you can utilize the live business indicator feature, which allows you to display personalized opening and closing messages and real-time updates on the business’s status, whether it is currently opened or closed.
Additionally, it showcases live timing, keeping your clients well-informed and up-to-date with your company’s schedule.
The Business Hours widget features the following controls:
Layout: Select from either predefined or custom. Predefined option have pre-set days, while the Custom option allows you to manage days according to your needs.
Days: Add the days using Add Item button(applicable for Custom Layout).
Day: Enter the text of the Day.
Closed: Enable the option, if needed.
Closed Text: Enter the text.
No. of Slots: Enter the number of slots available.
Opening Time: Set the opening time.
Closing Time: Set the closing time.
Label: Enter the label, if any.
Icon Type: Choose from a list of Icons, Images, or Lottie animations.
Icon: Select from the Font Awesome icon library or upload an SVG image.
Image: Either upload an image or select a dynamic tag for display.
Image size: Choose the size for your icon image display.
Lottie Animation
Source: Choose the source of the Icon by either adding an External URL or selecting a media file.
Loop: Enable the loop option to display the animation continuously.
Reverse: Activate the reverse option to display the animation in reverse order.
View: Select from default, stacked, or framed display options.
Shape: Select either Circle or Square shape for the stack or frame.
Style(for individual day)
Color: Select the color.
Color: Select the color for time slot.
Color: Select the color for label.
Primary Color: Choose the primary color for the icon.
Secondary Color: Choose the secondary color for the icon.
Size: Set the size of the Icon using %, EM, REM, VW, or PX.
Padding: Set the padding for the Icon.
Rotate: Set the rotation of your Icon in degrees.
Border Width: Set the border’s width.
Border Radius: Set the border’s radius.
Background Type: Choose either a Classic or a Gradient.
Color: Choose the color for the background.
Image: Either upload an image or select a dynamic tag for display.
Image Size: Choose the size of the image, from thumbnail to full.
Position: Set the position of the background image.
Attachment: Choose either scroll or fixed.
Repeat: Specify the repeat pattern for the background image.
Display size: Choose between contain, cover, and auto options, or add custom values for the background display size.
Color: Select the color for the background.
Location: Determine the position of the color on the background by specifying their location in percentage.
Second Color: Select the second color for the background.
Location: Determine the position of the second color on the background by specifying their location in percentage.
Type: Select either Radial or Linear.
Position: Set the position.
Angle: Set the angle using DEG, GRAD, RAD, and TURN.
Icon Type: As we mentioned above, Choose from a list of Icons, Images, or Lottie animations. Click here.
Show Current Day Only: Enable the option to show only current day.
Highlight Current Day: Enable the option to highlight current day.
24 Hour Format: Enable the option to display time in the 24-hour format.
Separator: Specify the Separator for displaying between slot times.
Day Format: Choose either Long or Short.
Show Business Indicator: Enable the option if needed.
Note: This option is applicable when Show Business Indicator option is enabled in Content Section.
Title: Enter the title for Business Indicator.
Icon Type: As we mentioned above, Choose from a list of Icons, Images, or Lottie animations. Click here.
Date: Enable the option if needed.
DateFormat: Select the date format from the list or enter a custom date.
Time: Enable the option if wanted.
Format: Select from either 12 hours or 24 hours.
Opening Warning Text: Enable the option to display open warning text.
Minutes: Specify, How many minutes before message will display.
Opening Warning Text: Enter the warning text.
Closing Warning Text: Enable the option to display closing warning text.
Minutes: Specify, How many minutes before message will display.
Closing Warning Text: Enter the warning text.
Label: Enable the option if desired.
Opening Text: Enter the text for opened label.
Closing Text: Enter the text for the closed label.
Color: Select the color of day.
Typography: Set the typography.
Color: Select the color of Time.
Typography: Set the typography.
Slot Label
Typography: Set the typography of label.
Text Color: Set the text color of label.
Background Type: As we mentioned above, Select either classic or gradient. Click here.
Gap: Set the label gap from time.
Padding: Set the padding.
Border Radius: Set border radius.
Primary Color: Choose the primary color for the icon.
Secondary Color: Choose the secondary color for the icon.
Styling controls for the closed row icon are available under this section. These settings will be applied when Someone closed any row.
Size: Set the size of the Icon using %, EM, REM, VW, or PX.
Padding: Set the padding for the Icon.
Rotate: Set the rotation of your Icon in degrees.
Border Width: Set the border’s width.
Border Radius: Set the border’s radius.
Background Type: Select either from classic or gradient. Click here.
Padding: Set the padding.
Border Type: Set the border properties.
Width: Set the width of border.
Color: Select the color of border.
Border Radius: Set border radius properties.
Box Shadow: Set the box shadow.
Row Style
Typography: Set the typography of row.
Text Color: Select the text color.
Background Type: Select either Classic or Gradient. Click here.
Alternate Color: Select the color for alternate row.
Background Type: Select either Classic or Gradient.Click here.
Text Shadow: Set the text shadow.
Box Shadow:Set the box shadow on row.
Gap: Specify the gap between the rows.
Border Type: Set the border.
Padding: Set the padding.
Border Radius: Set the border radius.
Closed Style
Background Type: As we mentioned above, Select either classic or gradient. Click here.
Day: Select the color of closed day.
Text: Select the color of closed text.
Highlighted Day
Note: This option is applicable when Highlight Current Day Option is enabled in Content section.
Color: Select the color of highlight day.
Typography: Set the typography.
Background Type: As we mentioned above, Select either from classic or gradient. Click here.
Primary Color: Choose the primary color.
Secondary Color: Choose the secondary color.
Note: This option is applicable when the Show Business Indicator option is enabled in Content Section.
Background Type: As we mentioned above, Select either classic or gradient. Click here.
Border Type: Select the border type.
Border Radius: Set the border radius.
Box Shadow: Set the box shadow properties.
Padding: Set the padding.
Spacing: Specify the spacing.
Typography: Set the typography.
Text Shadow: Set the text shadow properties.
Text Color: Select the color of title.
Background Type: Select either from classic or gradient. Click here.
Alignment: Set the alignment of title.
Padding: Set the padding.
Icon Gap: Set the gap of icon from title.
Primary Color: Choose the primary color for the icon.
Secondary Color: Choose the secondary color for the icon.
Size: Set the size of the Icon using %, EM, REM, VW, or PX.
Padding: Set the padding for the Icon.
Rotate: Set the rotation of your Icon in degrees.
Border Width: Set the border’s width.
Border Radius: Set the border’s radius.
Note: This option is applicable if Date option is enable in Indicators section.
Typography: Set the typography of date.
Text Shadow: Set the text shadow.
Text Color: Select the text color of date.
Background Type: Select from classic or gradient. Click here.
Alignment: Select from Left, Center, or Right.
Padding: Set the padding.
Note: This option is applicable if Time option is enabled in Indicators section.
Typography: Set the typography of date.
Text Shadow: Set the text shadow.
Text Color: Select the color of text.
Background Type: Select either from classic or gradient. Click here.
Alignment: Select from Left, Center, or Right.
Padding: Set the padding.
Note: This option is applicable when Label option is enabled in Indicators section.
Position: Select either Fixed or Relative.
Top: Set the spacing from top(applicable if Fixed position is selected).
Right: Set the spacing from right(applicable if Fixed position is selected).
Typography: Set the typography of label.
Text Shadow: Set the text shadow.
Text Color: Select the color of text.
Background Type: Select either from classic or gradient. Click here.
Styling controls for the closed day label are available under this section. These settings will be applied when someone puts a label on closed day.
Padding: Set the padding.
Border Type: Select the border type.
Border Radius: Set the border radius.
Box Shadow: Set the box shadow properties.
Opening Warning Text
Note: This option is applicable when Opening Warning Text option is enabled in Indicators section.
Typography: Set the typography of date.
Text Shadow: Set the text shadow.
Text Color: Select the color of text.
Background Type: Select either from classic or gradient. Click here.
Alignment: Select from Left, Center, or Right.
Padding: Set the padding.
Closing Warning Text
Note: This option is applicable when Closing Warning Text option is enabled in Indicators section.
Typography: Set the typography of date.
Text Shadow: Set the text shadow.
Text Color: Select the color of text.
Background Type: Select either from classic or gradient. Click here.
Alignment: Select from Left, Center, or Right.
Padding: Set the padding.
Choose the order of displaying individual elements, such as
Opening Text
Closing Text
Note: If any of these elements have a lower priority than others, they can be placed first on the Business Indicator box. This feature gives you greater control over the visual hierarchy of your webpage.
Background Type: Select either from classic or gradient. Click here.