
Background Slider

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Add image slideshows as a background to your sections, columns, or inner section using the Elementor Addon Elements Background Slider feature.

To add a background slider, edit the section/ column, click the Style tab, and then go to the EAE – Background Slider option.


  • Add Images: Click the Add Images button to select images to display. Once selected, click the Create a New Gallery button and then the Insert Gallery button.
  • Image Resolution: Select the image size from Thumbnail to Full or Custom.
  • Transitions: Choose from Fade, Slide Right, Slide Left, Slide Down, or Slide Up.
  • Animation: Select the animation style.
  • Custom Overlay: Enable it to add a custom overlay.
    • Background Type: Select the Background.
  • Overlay: Select overlay style.
  • Cover: Select True or False.
  • Delay: Set the delay time in milliseconds.
  • Timer: Select Yes or No.
EAE - Background Slider
EAE – Background Slider

Check out the Demo page of Background Slider.

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Background Slider

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