
Flip Box

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The Flip Box is a cool widget in the Elementor Addon Elements. It’s like a fancy info box that you can personalize on both sides. You can easily flip it to show the other side, and you can change the icons, text, pictures, and buttons on each side just the way you like without any trouble. It’s a fun way to make your website look great and informative.


Front Box

  • Icon: Select an icon from the FontAwesome library
  • View: Choose the default icon view, or select Stacked or Framed
  • Shape: If Stacked or Framed is chosen, choose Circle or Square
  • Title: Here, you need to input the title for the front-side content of the animated box.
  • Html Tag: Select the HTML tag to render the box title.
  • Text: Enter the content to be added to the front side of the box.
Flip Box: Front Box Settings
Flip Box: Front Box Settings

Back Box

  • Icon: Select an icon from the FontAwesome library.
  • View: Choose the default icon view, or select Stacked or Framed.
  • Shape: If Stacked or Framed is chosen, choose Circle or Square.
  • Title: Here, you need to input the title for the backside content of the animated box.
  • Html Tag: Select the HTML tag to render the box title.
  • Text: Enter the content to be added to the back side of the box.
Flip Box: Back Box Settings
Flip Box: Back Box Settings

Action Button

  • Button Text: Choose the text that appears inside the button
  • Link to: Choose where the button points to. Enter the URL of the page in the link.
Flip Box: Action Button Settings
Flip Box: Action Button Settings



  • Animation Style: Select the animation style for the box.
  • Border Type: Set a border to the entire flip box.
  • Border Radius: Set the radius of the border to control corner roundness.
  • Box Height: Set the height of the flip box.
Flip Box: General Style Settings
Flip Box: General Style Settings

Front Box

  • Background Type: Choose a Color or Gradient as the background of the front of the flip box.
  • Title: Choose the color of the title.
  • Title Typography: Set the typography settings of the title.
  • Description Color: Choose the color of the description.
  • Description Typography: Set the typography settings of the description.
  • Icon Color: Select the icon color for the front side of the box.
  • Icon Size: Adjust the size of the icon.
Flip Box: Front Box Style Settings
Flip Box: Front Box Style Settings

Back Box

  • Background Type: Choose a Color or Gradient as the background of the back side of the flip box.
  • Title: Choose the color of the title.
  • Title Typography: Set the typography settings of the title.
  • Description Color: Choose the color of the description.
  • Typography: Set the typography settings of the description.
  • Icon Color: Select the icon color for the back side of the box.
  • Icon Size: Adjust the size of the icon.
  • Icon Space: Set the space between icon & content.
Flip Box: Back Box Style Settings
Flip Box: Back Box Style Settings

Action Button

Flip Box: Action Button Settings
Flip Box: Action Button Settings
  • Text Color: Choose the text color of the button.
  • Typography: Customize the typography of the button text.
  • Background Color: Select the background color of action button.
  • Border Type: Choose a border for the action button None, Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, or Groove.
  • Border Radius: Control the border radius of the button.
  • Padding: Set the padding.

Check out the Demo page of Flip Box.

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