Enhance Your Track's Appearance
Create a standout circular progress track by arranging it in a circle or half circle shape. You can also make it interesting by picking a square or circle layout for the track’s progress.
Make Your Content Fully Customizable
Arrange your content in a specific order and choose where to show each feature. You can also decide how wide the display area should be.
Give Proper Understanding to Your User
Give people more details about your content. Add a title and a clickable link on the title and description of your Circular Progress. This helps users understand what you’re talking about.

Customize Your Progress Display
You can give progress using a percentage or custom value, and personalize it with your own suffix. Decide whether to display the value and suffix. You can also choose to display progress in reverse format if you prefer.
Variety of Icons and their Styling
You can customize your circular progress by adding different icons and styling options. It offers a variety of features for you to personalize the appearance exactly as you like.