
Using ACF Repeater Field with Dynamic Content

You must have used Elementor widgets to get dynamic content from ACF custom fields. But have you ever thought of using Elementor widgets to get dynamic data from the ACF Repeater fields? If not, then why not just give it a try?

To achieve this, you can use our plugin AnyWhere Elementor Pro, which provides features that allow you to use Elementor widgets to get Repeater field content dynamically.

So in this tutorial, I will guide you to use ACF repeater fields with Elementor’s dynamic content. 

To get a better idea about it, let us consider an example of Movies post type.

Firstly to start with, we need to create a post type named Movies using CPT UI and then create custom fields for the movies post type. using the ACF Custom fields plugin. As a particular movie can have multiple casts, so I created a repeater field to represent the cast.

Creating a Custom Post Type

ACF Repeater

Creating Custom Fields

Repeater field

Subfields of the Repeater field Cast.

ACF Repeater

Creating a Repeater Block Layout

  • Create a new AE Template and do the following configurations.
    • Render Mode: ACF Repeater Block
    • Field Location: Select Post.
    • Preview Post: Select post created under post type Movies.
    • Repeater Field (ACF): Select the Repeater field for which you are designing this layout.
Repeater block layout
  • Then save the template and edit with Elementor
  • Now select appropriate Elementor widgets and under the dynamic section select ACf Repeaters field accordingly. 
  • Then Specify the name of the repeater and the field type.
Dynamic Image

Creating a Single Post Template

  • Create a new AE Template and do the following configurations.
    • Render Mode: Post Template
    • Post Type: Select the post type Movies.
    • Preview Post: Select post created under post type Movies.
Single Post Template
  • Save -> AE Template and edit with Elemetor. 
  • Use the AE ACF – Repeater widget in Elementor and configure it.
 ACF Repater


  1. I can not select ACF Repeater Block.. Only options are: Normal, Single Post Template, Taxonomy archive, Post type, Block layout, 404, search, author or date?

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